Daddy Mommy and Seth

Daddy Mommy and Seth
Daddy Mommy and Seth

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Love & Joy found in a puppy
          Well, I read and read about dogs for children with autism.  Even service dogs.  I read how calming they can be to kids and how they become a trusted and loyal friend.  So after a year and a half of research and contemplating if it was a good choice for Seth to have a dog, we got one! A black puppy was found by a family friend off of a busy road.  So, she became ours.  No pure bred pup could be better than this sweet little mix who is just happy to have a home.  Several months have passed with her as our new family member and we are so happy.  "Sissy" has had a positive impact on Seth.  Even the transition of having her in our home went smooth.  That was a major concern of mine because it is such a routine change, but all Sissy brought was joy.  Of course Seth still has a few tactile issues with her.  He doesn't like her licks, when she jumps or when she sits on his part of the couch! haha.  Yet still that little doggie radiates joy all day long with her wagging tail and puppy smile.  Seth picks up that joy.  Seth has had a slight reduction in his meltdowns since Sissy too.  He runs with her, plays fetch with her and always wants her to play in his room.  I call Sissy our "little ball of happy."  That's what she is.  She bounces around our house full of happiness, peace, contentment and joy.  I am happy and feel so blessed that Seth will have a loyal companion to grow up with.  A friend that loves purely with no condition or judgement.